Personal Safety On The Internet

Take Flight With MeTake Flight, with me                 Guest Blog, by Sherry Main

 Thank you for inviting me back to guest blog Scott. I am always delighted when my writing gets published.

Last month, Scott provided some safety tips for your computer. This month I am writing about personal safety on the internet. As a Crisis Intervention counselor and a caseworker and trainer I was called upon to work with people who were not aware of internet safety. This article is not meant to scare you; rather bring awareness for you and your family.

Children use the internet as a valuable resource for homework, hobbies, social chat and to learn. However, it is very easy to run amok simply by typing in the wrong word or misspelling words. Also, children are curious. They hear a new word at school or from friends and endeavor to find meaning.

There are two key ways to keep your children safe. The first is to place the computer in a central place where you or other family members pass on a regular basis. This way your student has easy access to ask questions and you can see what is on the monitor/screen.

The second important way is to keep open the lines of communication. Tell your children there are predators on the web and tell them what to avoid. You do not need to frighten your children with this, but if you are willing to talk they are willing to ask questions. Meaningful dialogue is important at any age as long as the information is age appropriate.

Protecting Children’s Privacy – A Guide for Parents, Carers and Educators – Online Safety For Kids: A Parent’s Guide To Protecting Children’s Privacy

This and similar articles can get you started.

Cyber Sex Addiction

 Our fast paced global living has led to estrangement from family and sometimes our partners. We all need to feel loved and wanted. This factor and many others, like abusive relationships, opened the door to cyber sex addictions. And, like any addiction, this can harm you and your family and other relationships. You are not alone and you are not to blame. Understanding and awareness are crucial to getting help.

Creating your own fantasy world is sometimes easier than facing reality. Cyber sex addiction is on the rise as more and more families own multiple computers. In fact, it is so prevalent that public computer spaces have blocked sites; books about cyber sex addiction are in abundance and many community centres’ offer workshops to help people. Almost all women’s shelters send their staff to learn how to help their clients.

I have included some resources for Internet safety. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information. You can message me on Facebook at “Take Flight, with me“.

Don’t forget to visit Scott’s Computer Emporium at and book your appointment for help.

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