Hard to believe yet another year has gone by. It seems like yesterday that I started this business to make a difference in the world of technology. Technology products have changed with leaps and bounds. Computers have gotten faster and smaller, laptops have gotten thinner and lighter and more people using tablets and smart phones. Home automation has really taken off; you can now control your lights or thermostat with your smart phone. Wireless routers have gotten much better with dual band that transmit in both 2.4 and 5GHz frequencies with stronger signals. With all of this great technology available I feel like a kid in a candy store at this time of year.
With this new technology come the security risks associated with it. Anything from cars to IP camera baby monitors can be hacked and taken over. I’ve even heard that a pace maker can be hacked, it’s all very scary when you think of it. The trick is to be aware of the security risks and to protect yourself with strong passwords on your wireless devices. A password with a combination of numbers, letters and special characters are the strongest form of passwords to use for both your wireless router and your websites you have to sign into. Also always make sure your antivirus software is up to date. Free antivirus programs are good but the paid versions are much better but make sure your subscription hasn’t run out.
In any case I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wouldn’t be in business without my clients so please stay safe everyone and enjoy the holidays with your friends and family. Here’s hoping everyone has a happy and prosperous New Year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From my family to yours
Scott’s Computer Emporium